You Are Not Cool
While standing in line at a Subway for a loooooooooong time (only one guy behind the counter and he couldn't get out of 1st gear) I was making some notes in my K-Jam. This guy saw me and whipped out his BrickBerry and I guess read his massive queue of emails he had on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. Man... huge doesn't begin to describe that appendage on his belt. :-) That is *so* 2003.
Oh how quickly you have turned anti-size! ;) It wasn't that long ago that you were using the PDA2K which is actually larger than the Blackberry. If I am not mistaken, you loved it and didn't seem to mind the size of it.
Once you get a taste of something unexpectedly great, it is hard to remember what it was like without it. I had not thought a VGA device was going to be that big a deal for me but once I got my Axim x50v I was blown away by how nice the screen was!
The K-Jam is a really nice size and I am going to be getting one myself at some point. At that point Ed, I will be able to join you and scoff at the not-so-cool unfortunates. :)
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